Friday, June 30, 2006
Falling sick the instant you come back isnt really a nice thing. -_- coughcoughcough. yeah i have the flu and cough. ish. Arrived Monday morning and got back home at like 9 like that. Then fell asleep and woke up again at 4 to pick ying and the rest up from school. The moment I stepped out of the car, this blur of white came zoom and got me into a tight hug. Yes it was Yatie, and she was giggling like hell and didnt wanna let me go. Then Ying, Mel, Wei Juinn, Tzern and Alvin got into my car and we headed to OU. Finally saw Sue Zen after 6 months!! So yeah, went to Ms. Read to get something to eat cause Moritomo was closed. We ended up with alot of fries and couldnt finish it so yeah. Mel ordered butter cupcakes that look super cute with gummy bears on top of it! Then head over to Bakerzin for dessert! I kinda forced everyone to order something. xD Ordered peppermint tea which was supposed to help the nose and blah. It kinda worked for a while but yeah, it got worse when I got back home. So I've been staying in or like 2/3 days now cause I was actually jetlagged but i also went into my normal routine of being an owl. Kinda hard to get get well when you're not sleeping at the right times. And Yi Tang is leaving tomorrow!!! And I never got to go out with him today cause 1) SueZen can't make it 2) Yi Yang doesnt know bout it 3) I slept in AGain. so yeah, ahhhhhhhh! Okay, time to go take my medication. ByebYe!
7:52 am
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Okay, it's like the fourth day of internals and I'm coming back in like 4 days or so. Flight's on the 24th and probably arriving in KLIA on Sunday evening/afternoon. Blah too lazy to do the math but yeah, Sunday. I had history last friday and it was quite okay. Wrote alot though so yeah tired hand. And then it was math, chemistry and religious studies on monday. I bullshited quite alot in RS which was quite amusing cause Mel had her previous form 4 paper and in last term's exam we had the same paper she sat for in her form 4 year as well. Basically, the teacher didn't change the question paper for about 3 or 4 years now. So this term, I went looking through her file and found the summer term paper and just studied that. And during the exam on monday morning, I couldnt stop giggling when I sneaked a peek at the paper and it was exactly the same. Everyone else was giving me weird stares cause Sarah and I couldnt stop laughing. And the thing was, Sarah also saw last term's paper and she scored like an A* and Kenneth who was obviously not happy that he lost to her last term and was coincidentally sitting beside me, turned to me and asked whether Sarah memorised the paper again since he knew both me and Sarah have previous year papers. Okay, I'm babbling away. I'll stop. So yeah math non-cal paper after that and chemistry was quite okay. Tuesday was quite hectic for the english lit people a.k.a my class. We finished all the poems both pre and pro 1940s and we had to do like comparisons and blah. And then there's another essay question on Of Mice and Men. So yeah, have to write alot again. I swear it's like having 2 malay comprehension papers. Luckily we only had math after that, cal paper this time. Today was quite okay as well, had Business Studies in the morning and I daydreamed for the first 15 minutes and still left the exam early xD. I was sooo bloody tired and had like a few minutes nap during the ICT exam which was after lunch and I was damn full and the room was so cool since its so windy today. I swear, the weather is so fucked up here. Last week was soo hot until I can't sleep during the night and now it's cold like winter. Ishh. I can't wait to get back home! Though I kinda dread the tuition but still. JAP FOOD!!!! and you guys of course. :D heh. So Physics and Bio to go and I can get the hell outta this farm. Tata for now!!
7:18 am