Friday, October 20, 2006
I forgot! Okay
He's not going to read it but yeah. Haha. He actually got permission from the head of lower school to allow the boarders to come out on saturday night and go over to his place for his brithday bash.His house was really nice! The last time I went there, we were only in the kitchen and the backyard so I didnt get to see the living room and all. But this time he turned his foyer into some disco with the lights and all. all the homelights were out and the only lighting they had that night was in the kitchen. blasting music and his music taste was good so no complaints from me. hehe. it was sooo cool. and practically the whole night was dancing! it was soo awesome! if only our parties would turn out like that eh krys. and then Nic's parents got fireworks!! we were fooling around to Pump It when someone yelled and next thing we heard were the firework explosions. it was super cool. so as usual there were party food-PIZZA!! omg you should have seen how fast they went. there were pratically about 40 people crammed in the kitchen eating pizzas and emptying the fridge! xD nic's mum baked her brownies and omg they're sooooo good. hehe. it would be such an ideal party for you krys. haha! we'll try next time! it was basically like new years but better music and everyone was dancing. okay. i think i have pictures somewhere. i have to go dig for them. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
9:40 pm
Today was breast cancer awareness day!! PINK PINK PINK. Yeah everyone was dressed in pink today. Pink shoes, shirts, pants, bags, ribbons, coats! And yeah I’m in the charity club so we were busy with all the preparations and all. I was the only one who had free on Friday 3rd period so I dragged Yew Hann along and helped Mrs. K with the cakes, biscuits and drinks and I also had to go set up the counters for the hair sprayer things. Yeah, almost half the school has pink hair now, including me! XD But my hair was too dark and I couldn't see my reflection so the only part of my hair that had visible pink was my ponytail but it was okay anyway. Hopefully I can get pictures from the rest and post it up on multiply. Hopefully that is. The cakes and biscuits were sooooo pretty!! All pink. And pink drinks too! Eeek. Sumay would love it I swear. Anyway, so had to run around, carry chairs to stations and distributing newspapers. I didn't get to sell the cakes even though I was in charge of it. I was too busy making sure there was no missing stuff. Gar. Oh well. At least it was fun. Hehe. The cakes and biscuits and marshmallows sold like dam quick. I actually wanted to buy some but by the time I got everyone their supply and went back to the booth, there wasn't much left and people were still buying! Damn amusing to see everyone including the teachers getting their hair sprayed. Some even did their eyebrows, goatees and beard!!! Muahaha. Yeah and some had pink afro wigs! Okay. Hopefully we collected enough money. And I’m off to Business Studies now. Byeeeeee! Oh and
Finally sixteen! :p I love you guys! Hope you had a great sixteen back home. Yingling.
7:10 pm